How to fix Why can't I change my privacy settings in Xbox settings

When you tried opening the Xbox settings but doesn't work, that means that there's something reason with this settings:
  •  It's not a child or adult account. It was your birth date!
Yes, you have the wrong birth date. That's why Xbox doesn't let you to use settings. So, this is very simple. Follow the steps and it should work
  1. Go to Microsoft's official website
  2. Click on your profile at the right-upper corner
  3. Click "My Microsoft account" and click "Your info"
  4. On the Profile info, you can see a "Date of Birth" so click it and it asks you to sign in After that, change the month to January and change the year. If you were born in late 2000s (2007, 2008, etc), then change the year to 1980 or 1970.
  5. Apply it then go to, and click Xbox settings.
This should work. If you have any problems, feel free to ask me.


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